Monday, December 2, 2013

Final Project

For our final project, we had the great opportunity to construct one of an old Mayan civilization. Of course we chose The Temple OF Inscriptions, which happens to be the largest mesoamerican stepped pyramid structure in the city of Palenque! Your probably thinking "how in the heck could they construct something like that" believe me...we asked ourselves the same question. Eventually we decides to use Rice Krispie and kit kat treats! Of course when creating anytime type of structure, you must lay down a foundation. So we layered about a good 6 rows of stabilized Rice Krispie treats, we then used a hot glue gun to glue it down to the surface, which happen to be a thick piece of cardboard. From there on we followed a model, and kind of molded our construction to look somewhat like what was seen back then. Once we had the structure completed, we used kit kats as stelae towers. At first it was a little difficult to mold them to the Rice Krispie treats so we used toothpicks to put in between the kit kat and through the foundation so it looked as if the kit kat was standing on its own. 

After all this hard work, the only thing that was roaming in my mind was "we just wasted so many good treats on this civilization". But it was cool and fun and interesting to construct!

Imagine the pic below full of Krispie treats and kit kats!!