Monday, December 2, 2013

Final Project

For our final project, we had the great opportunity to construct one of an old Mayan civilization. Of course we chose The Temple OF Inscriptions, which happens to be the largest mesoamerican stepped pyramid structure in the city of Palenque! Your probably thinking "how in the heck could they construct something like that" believe me...we asked ourselves the same question. Eventually we decides to use Rice Krispie and kit kat treats! Of course when creating anytime type of structure, you must lay down a foundation. So we layered about a good 6 rows of stabilized Rice Krispie treats, we then used a hot glue gun to glue it down to the surface, which happen to be a thick piece of cardboard. From there on we followed a model, and kind of molded our construction to look somewhat like what was seen back then. Once we had the structure completed, we used kit kats as stelae towers. At first it was a little difficult to mold them to the Rice Krispie treats so we used toothpicks to put in between the kit kat and through the foundation so it looked as if the kit kat was standing on its own. 

After all this hard work, the only thing that was roaming in my mind was "we just wasted so many good treats on this civilization". But it was cool and fun and interesting to construct!

Imagine the pic below full of Krispie treats and kit kats!!

Monday, November 18, 2013


      It is really crazy how fast time goes. Looking at the fact that in 2-3 weeks...we will have completed this course. 

     The idea of choosing a Mayan civilization and constructing it is absolutely great! Being able to collaborate as a class and as a group makes it even better considering the fact that we all came into this class practically strangers. Today was the first layout day of our project. Just being able to mess with the hot glue gun and box cutter seemed absolutely childish but we all had a good time. Sometimes all you need to do is keep simple in order to get the best results. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

FYS Fair

Honestly, going into this fair I didn't know what to expect or what really to do. As I wandered around to  find something, the Tai Chai tutorial lesson caught my eye. Going into it I expected it to be along the lines of Kung Fu and Martial Arts. You know, only used for defense kind of physical interaction type of thing. I was so wrong! As I stood there and took the online lesson is was more along the lines of focusing your "chi" and "chakra"  It was very relaxing but focused at the same time. I don't really want to compare it to meditation because of that being more relaxed. As I did it,'my body honestly felt weird, but a good weird. When I was younger I used to watch a show called "avatar the last air bender" and the way the water benders worked and moved is really similar to the method of tai chi!

 It was new, I'll just put it like that. But it was a good new!

Monday, November 4, 2013


Although our class isn't based off of Mayan conspiracies and theories, I was very interested in Ricky's overall presentation. Just the whole idea of another philosophy being proposed differentiating from something we've grown up being taught, is absolutely amazing to me. Could the Mayans have had interaction with "aliens" leading to the drawing of the space shuttle?  Who knows! Just the overall idea and proposal of that possibility is great. Taking in the fact that there are sooo many discoveries about our world that haven't even been revealed yet is frustrating to me. We have so much advanced technology today that it seems as if we should be farther ahead. I'm the type of person where I would love to know what lies beneath the ocean and what's been buried in the mountains. You never know what could be discovered!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


I've been on campus long enough to realize who the good and not so good professors are. Dr.Pearce Gonzalez "Dr.PG" without a doubt is one of the best professors I have had so far. We are currently studying Mayan culture/civilazation, but even before that he really pressed for a positive class collaboration and just overall understanding of each individuals generational family history. We spent a good 3 class periods watching and presenting each of our presentations dealing with our family backgrounds, religions, traditions and just overall interests. And at least for me, I dread the idea of presenting infront of people! But of course I presented and it felt pretty good! And as I observed the other presentations, some of us discovered we had a lot more in common then what we gave each other credit for. I thought I was the only person who had a parent in the military, I soon realize that 2 other people in the class did as well.

I think just the fact that, he is always positive,welcoming and just willing to go out of his way to open up opportunities for each and every student that is interested is very rare. 

Ultimately I'm just really thankful for Dr.PG

Monday, October 28, 2013

Contribution to the world

     I feel like each and everyone of us goes through something specific in life that defines who we are today. Whether that thing was positive or negative, I feel it is our obligation to use that experience to empower/warn someone else. Each and everyone of us can learn from someone else, whether we would like to or not... it could break or make us ultimately. From this, I feel the idea of counseling is appropriate for me. Although I may not have the qualified degrees, I do believe that going through and actually having different experiences is somewhat of a big contribution to counseling.


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Mayan Gods

Hunahpu Utiu *PV*                       Qaholom *PV*
Hunahpu-Gutch *PV*                   Oxlahuntiku *CHB*
Ajtzak *PV*                                    Ahmucen-Cab                   Cacoch
Ajbit *PV*                                      Alom
Xmucane *PV*                              Bitol
Xpiayoc *PV*                                Cabaguil

The names you see above are the 13 creators of mayan civilization. I think its very interesting that there is more then one creator considering jealousy. In speaks of christianity religion, God in there eyes is seen as a very jealous God. No one else shall be worshipped but him alone. Hence Ten Commandments "Thou shalt not have any other Gods before me" as well as "Thou shalt not make any idols before me". The idea of sharing power amongst 13 different Gods/Creators, actually really surprises me. You would think there would be intense fights, arguments etcc... I guess that really shows how much the 13 of them were really in unity/harmony.


     I didn't actually really realize that different religions had there own rendition of how creation came to be. I mean, I never thought about it to that extent considering I am christian and we primarily focused on our idea of creation. 

     Growing up, I soon learned and was brought to the attention of evolution."scientific view of creation, idea of humans having similarities with primates". And honestly to this day, I really can't wrap my mind around that philosophy. Not to say that I don't respect it, just can't really see how that could be. And to my knowledge, if the idea of evolution is the reasoning for human creation.....the idea of creation in the Christian eyes is completely opted out. You obviously can't have both, one came before the other which immediately elimates the other. There are countless other ideas and philosophies of creation, so which is right?

Monday, October 7, 2013


     I honestly have no opinions about this conversation in class. Honestly I'm kind of disgusted with what's being discussed right now. I think it's just because I've grown up knowing that some people are just stuck in that lifestyle. Not all people that are apart of the "thug/gangster/hustler" life chose to be in that life. Sometimes it's generational, and it's an inheritance type of deal. It just really bothers me when people think that, that lifestyle is all full of glamour, money and girls because it's not at all. 

What people are ignorant about is the fact that, that lifestyle is sometimes associated with poverty, hardship wondering whether or not you will get your next meal and sacrifice. And when I hear kids who are absolutely clueless about that lifestyle in general and they speak of wanting to be "about that life" it irritates me to the max.

Don't get me wrong I am not making excuses for people who are apart of that life, because some do choose to be affiliated with it. But that's there problem. 

Matthew Murray 

Hip Hop Beat&Rhymes *sexism*

     I thought the presentation was very informing and on point. In todays world, a lot of females are treated and acknowledged sometimes lower then the dirt on the earth. That to me is just ridiculous! We live in a world that Is consistently revolving. There was a time years and years ago, where females in general had limited to no rights. And all though it saids law wise that all people are equal, that is certainly not the case in some ways. 

     Growing up especially in middle school, girls where familiarly recognized as the "B" word. I can remember kids 13&14 years old just acknowledging them as that without feeling any sort of remorse. Even recalling the memories can these young kids possible use those vulgar words to describe females. I'm so glad that he linked it into the Rap&R&B industry because if you really watch some of today's music videos as well as in the late 90s, there usually full of countless half naked girls and a whole bunch of "hard" dudes trying to pull off a gangster act. Usually dealing with "getting money, or "f****** B******And It goes back to just being down right ignorant. Sometimes it's family oriented, or you grew up with your father acknowledging your mom as that, so they felt it was ok to do the same. 

     Nevertheless it's just good to see grown men being able to stand up for what is right in spite of all the negative influences potentially coming with taking a stand. I can't even imagine what Mr.Byron Hurt was feeling when he contemplated speaking out against the mistreatment of females. 

All the credit and props to Mr.Hurt!
Thanks Again

Matthew Murray

Monday, September 30, 2013


     All I can say is that, I am so blessed and thankful to be surrounded by so many positive people in the All Shook Up production.

All Shook Up, is really the first musical I have been in where I am apart of the dance choreography. Going into the first rehearsal, you realize that your surrounded by so many talented dancers, singers actors etcc.... and honestly, it is very intimidating. For me, I actually found myself questioning whether or not I even deserved to be in the production. I don't know, some of the choreography was a little difficult at times. Every time that I would mess up on a dance cue, or sang a wrong note, I just felt like I was letting the whole cast down. But I'll be damned if I would even consider giving up, it might take me a little bit of time to really nail a certain spot down, but best believe it will happen!

I didn't make it to this point in my life just to throw in the towel. That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. I'm just glad that I have people who are willing to be patient as well as give there time to teach me.

All productions take place in the Ohrstrom-Bryant Theatre.
• Fridays at 8 p.m.
• Saturdays at 2:30 p.m. and 8 p.m.
• Sundays at 2:30 p.m.
Link above access to online ticket pricing and performance dates!!

1460 University Dr, Winchester, VA 22601

Matthew Murray

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Alcohol-Wise/In general

     I honestly felt like I was being interrogated when we had to complete the Alcohol-Wise course. Each question asked, seemed to be created in a way where it seemed as if you had to confess even if you never did that particular thing. And it was literally never ending! 

     Whether you came to college to study, drink, smoke came with a sort of intention. And if you did come with the genuine intention to study and make something of your college life, unfortunately YOU are at risk like everyone else into being influenced into drugs, alcohol etccc...

     I really do appreciate the alcohol-wise course because it was very informing and warning of what and what not to do. But at the same time, we've been coached and told what and what not to do since birth. "Don't Smoke, Don't Drink, Don't Do Drugs" But unfortunately temptation and curiosity, leads to the trying of those things. 

     In all honesty, going into Ricky's session on the completion of alcohol-wise this past friday, I thought it would've been just a waste of time. But after hearing some of the experiences he had been through as well as things that happened on campus, I was thankful for that class. Sometimes you just go day by day unaware of events occurring, just trying to make sure that you take care of your business, and you don't realize what is happening around you. Not trying to be selfish or anything, but at the end of the day, you have to take care of yourself and your business. Nobody else is going to do it for you.

Just an in general realization/awareness of events occurring around people is really needed.

Matthew Murray


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover!

     This past week, we started our autobiography presentations in FYS. They were primarily focused around you, whether it dealt with your family background, or religious views etcc....

     I would have to say that this was pretty challenging for me. I'm not really the type of person, who really knows how to express themselves in speaks of "Who are you as a person". At this point in my life, I can't really even say who I am. And to put a classification/personality on me based off of my past, I think is just dumb. People my age are still exploring and finding themselves. And in general, people of all ages are still exploring and finding themselves, some having more time to live and really live there life.

     What I found very interesting about the presentations, people that came off as "quiet or anti-social" were very expressive and informative when presenting. Going back to the "Don't judge a book by its cover". In society today, people are often misunderstood, whether its intentional or unintentional. But if each individual has the opportunity to be put on a stand and allowed time to really express themselves, people as a whole will become more unified. I don't know about anyone else, but I was very drawn into  the other presentations. You can only tell so much from the exterior of someone, take the time to really understand and learn about someone.

With that said, I really enjoyed this project!

Matthew Murray

Sunday, September 8, 2013


I love traveling in general! When I walked into the fair and saw all the different stations with the different places of travel, I was literally done!

      I've never been the type of person to want to stay in one place for to long. I just feel like if you've lived in the same place all all your life without any sort of getting out or exploration outside your hometown, you become very close minded. It's like a kid that grows up living in the city, they are only accustomed to city life. Without trees possibility or a sense of peace in certain parts. But if you take them out to the country it's a totally different way of life. You learn to be at one with nature and the surroundings around you, and through that for some people is there sense of peace.

Above all of that, I really enjoyed the fair! I just hope I can somehow fit it into my schedule.

First week blogging!!

The first couple weeks of school have been great!! Finding classes on the other hand has been a little bit of a struggle. But I finally got the hang of it! What I love a lot about shenandoah, is how connected we are with other countries.

     For the past three years I've been apart of this camp called Unesco Center For Peace, where all these students from different countries attend this camp and we discuss world issues based off the countries we are assigned. Kind of like a model un session, that is for two weeks. It's so much fun and you learn so much from the other students, whether its foods they eat, or the type of music they enjoy etcccc.. Enough about that, I'm just so glad that I will have the opportunity to travel to other countries, and not only learn about there different cultures, but also being able to improve there everyday life.

Honestly though, I came into the FYS class expecting to get into a lot of conspiracies and world secrets, but I think Dr.PG said where not really focusing on that.  Anyway, still expecting the best out of the class!